We’re living through a transformation in the workforce where good workers are tough to find, and even harder to keep happy. The pandemic, which forced us all, at least for a period of time, into a work-from-home or hybrid workforce application, the “leverage” in the employee/employer relationship has seemingly shifted a bit towards the worker.

Because of this, the interest and demand for automation in the workforce has grown rapidly. But not necessarily for the reasons you may think.

Robotics Process Automation (RPA) is not designed to replace human workers. In fact, it’s designed to empower human workers by automating repetitive and less-rewarding tasks through bots, freeing up the talented workers to focus on higher-value tasks that are more rewarding for both the business and its staff.

Gartner says global spending on RPA software reached $1.58 billion in 2020. The analyst predicts that 90% of large organizations globally will have adopted RPA in some form by 2022.

While RPA might be tempting to implement, its acceptance is not necessarily guaranteed as employees can be concerned about the impact of the technology – especially if it starts doing what they perceive to be their work.

Being transparent with your staff during the rollout of RPA is very important. Help your employees understand that creating virtual workers is for the purpose of working side-by-side with the human workers to enable them to have more time to do other more important value-adding activities.

You have to be open and communicate exactly how roles are going to change, and then people will get on board. You have to show them what your vision is and how RPA will change things for the better.

Digital Workforce Solution is equipped with both the technology know-how as well as the education on the human-side and will walk you through every step of implementing successful Robotics Process Automation.

Published On: November 30th, 2021 / Categories: Automation, Human Workers /

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